Category: recordings
Early computer music
So long, Marianne
The philosophy of music recording
The Prospects of Recording by Canadian pianist, composer, and broadcaster Glenn Gould makes an interesting read if you the kind of person who debates whether “they” should be “here” or “you” should be “there”.
The Shuffler
For people who are interested in thinking about the concept of stereo, this is a good introduction to one of Blumlein’s original ideas about it called “Stereo Shuffling”.
Early predictions about the future of online music…
B&O Tech: The Beogram 4002 Design Story
#53 in a series of articles about the technology behind Bang & Olufsen products
I was cleaning up around my desk over the past week and I came across a booklet called the “Beogram 4002 Design Story” published by Bang & Olufsen in 1975. Briefly reading through it, I thought that there was a lot of general information in there that would be worth sharing for people interested in turntables. So, I got permission to post it as a PDF here. Click here to download the file.
4k Streaming vs. 4k Blu-ray vs. Blu-ray
This is an interesting article – particularly its comments regarding audio.
Then again, the conclusion is a little too simple… Like the Dalai Lama said to the hot dog vendor – make me one with everything…