Distortion effects on Linear measurements, Part 1

In the last posting, I made a big assumption: that it’s normal to measure the magnitude response of a device via an impulse response measurement.

In order to illustrate the fact that an impulse response measurement shows you only the linear response of a system (and not distortion effects such as clipping), I did an impulse response measurement using an impulse. However, it only took about 24 hours for someone to email me to point out that it’s NOT typical to use an impulse to do an impulse response measurement.

These days, that is true. In the old days, it was pretty normal to do an impulse response measurement of a room by firing a gun or popping a balloon. However, unless your impulse is really loud, this method suffers from a low signal-to-noise ratio.

So, these days, mainly to get a better signal-to-noise ratio, we typically use another kind of signal that can be turned into an impulse response using a little clever math. One method is to send a Maximum Length Sequence (or MLS) through the device. The other method uses a sine wave with a smoothly swept-frequency.

There are other ways to do it, but these two are the most common for reasons that I won’t get into.

In both the MLS and the swept-sine cases, you take the incoming signal from the DUT, and do some math that compares the outgoing signal to the incoming signal and converts the result into an impulse response. You can then use that to do your analyses of the linear response of the DUT.

If your DUT is behaving perfectly linearly, then this will work fine. However, if your DUT has some kind of non-linear distortion, then the effects of the distortion on the measurement signal will result in some kinds of artefacts that show up in the impulse response in a potentially non-intuitive way.

This series of postings is going to be a set of illustrations of these artefacts for different types of distortion. For the most part, I’m not going to try to explain why the artefacts look the way they do. It’s just a bunch of illustrations that might help you to recognise the artefacts in the future and to help you make better choices about how you’re doing the measurements in the first place.

:To start, let’s take a “perfect” DUT and

  • measure its impulse response using the three methods (impulse, MLS, and swept sine)
  • for the MLS and swept sine methods, convert the incoming signal to an impulse response and plot it
  • find the magnitude response of the impulse response via an FFT and plot that

The results of these three measurement methods are shown below:

Method 1: Impulse
Method 2: MLS
Method 3: Swept Sine

If you believe in conspiracy theories, then you might be suspicious that I actually just put up the same plot three times and changed the caption, but you’ll have to trust me. I didn’t do that. I actually ran the measurement three times.

If you’re familiar with the MLS and/or swept sine techniques, then you’ll be interested in a little more information:

  • The sampling rate is 48 kHz
  • Calculating in a floating point world with lots of resolution (I’m doing this all in Matlab and I’m not quantising anything… yet…)
  • The MLS signal is 2^16 samples long
  • I’m using one MLS sequence (for now)
  • I am not averaging the MLS measurement. I just ran it once.
  • The swept sine starts at 1 Hz and runs for 10 seconds.
  • For both the MLS and the sine sweep, I’m applying a pre-emphasis filter to the signal sent to the DUT and a reciprocal de-emphasis filter to the signal coming from it. This puts a bass-heavy tilt on the signal to be more like the spectrum of music. However, it’s not a “pinking” filter, which would cause a loss of SNR due to the frequency-domain slope starting at too low a frequency.
  • My DUT isn’t really a device. It’s just code that I’m applying to the signal, so there’s no input or output via some transmission system like analogue cabling, for example…

Most of that will be true for the other parts of the rest of the series. When it’s not true, I’ll mention it.