CODEC artefacts that aren’t…

Interesting information about audible watermarking in some recordings that are ostensibly uncompressed…



a follow-up Here

  1. Thanks for alerting! Shocking. Who wants to purchase “lossless” files if they are corrupted on purpose?!

    In this connection I’d like to mention that some FLAC files I have bought from Presto Classical take much longer time than normal, i.e. compared to ripped CDs, to load for my mediaplayers (both Beoplay V1 and Oppo). I have spoken to Presto about this, but they are clueless. If the tracks are long in duration this doesn’t matter,but for an album with many short tunes it is very annoying. (bought an album with Isabella Leonardo having 70 short tracks)


  2. Sorry, forgot conclusion in post above: seems to be some DRM going there as well./Jan

  3. Millemissen says:

    Maybe it is time for creating loudspeakers with ‘Active Watermark Compensation’ ;-)

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