how to turn addition into multiplication
quote for today
“Never waste your time trying to explain who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.”
– Dream Hampton
culture shock
i love it when people use their powers for good instead of evil!
i’d like to…
annual advertising budget of the coca-cola company: $2,980,000,000
cost to buy every human on the planet a coke: $2,240,000,000
so, they could, indeed “buy the world a coke”
however, in order to buy every individual four half-hour voice lessons, they would have to spend $840,000,000,000
so they can’t teach the world to sing…
shopping à la
and that was the end of that
as of today, i can no longer say that I have never danced in front of an audience…
inventive nomenclature
patrick’s self-invented word for an elastic band: an angry birds rope
quote of the day
“edison’s electric light did not come about from the continuous improvement of the candle…”
-oren harari