BeoLab 90 Review in Scandinavia



“Lyden av BeoLab 90 er vanskelig å forklare, den må egentlig bare oppleves. Personlig har jeg aldri hørt en mer livaktig musikkgjengivelse, og flere som har vært på besøk reagerte med å klype seg i armen eller felle en tåre når de hørte et opptak de kjente, eller rettere sagt trodde de kjente!”

“The sound of the BeoLab 90 is hard to explain, it must really be experienced. Personally I have never heard a more lifelike music reproduction, and several who have been visiting reacted by pinching their own arm or shedding a tear when they heard a recording they knew, or rather thought they knew!”


The Danish version can be read here.

Dear everybody…

“Learnings” is not a real word. Please stop using it. It is the plural form of the imaginary noun “learning” which is also not a real word.

If we continue to use this, then we’re on a slippery slope to sentences like “The researches resulting in a lot of learnings that increased our knowledges with many informations.”

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the evolution of language. I understand what people mean when they say “peruse”, even when they don’t know what they are actually saying… I don’t complain when people ask for “less things” instead of “fewer things”. Although I admit that I cringe a little when people use “super-” in front of words like “exciting” instead of words like “man” and “duper”.