Author: geoff
It’s funny because it’s a scary reminder…
My new favourite upgrade to Preview on a Mac
How to play the piano in one easy lesson
Foley at Skywalker Sound
Prestissimo out of your bleeding head
Speak no evil… or be prepared for the consequences…
No comment
I’ve decided to disable the “comments” option on all of the postings on this website. This should not delete the existing comments – but new ones will not be possible in the future. This will happen over the coming days. I have a number of reasons for this, but mostly, it’s because I am increasingly trying to disconnect from my computer and phone – and curating / moderating comments on a website is one of the easier tasks to drop.
If you have specific questions about things I have written here, you are welcome to email me. However, I cannot promise that the reply will be rapid, since I’m also trying to disconnect from my email more and more…
Immersive audio