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P, 153
R, 186
RT60, 241
T, 186
U, 159
XC, 86
c2, 251
k, 165
k0, 165
u, 159
2AFC, 300
3 dB down point, 314
A-Format, 826
A-weighting, 276
absorption, air, 188
AC, 62
AC bias, 381
acceptance angle, 438
active filters, 144
additive inverse, 24
adiabatic, 187
affective, 291
aliasing, 507
alternate, 479
alternating current, 62
amp, 58
ampere, 58
Ampex, 855
amplitude, 160
amplitude, instantaneous, 153
anchor words, 309
anti-aliasing filter, 509
antinode, 203
anvil, 266
asymmetrical filter, 321
attack time, 355, 356
attributes, 309
audio path, 358
audio sample, 540
autocorrelation, 638
auxiliary data, 540
average, 248
B-Format, 824
B-weighting, 276
Bach, J.S., 32
back electromotive force, 104
back EMF, 104
band-reject filter, 319
bandpass filter, 316
Bandpass filters, 148
bandstop filter, 319
bandwidth, 316, 489
Bartlett, 603
base, 35
basilar membrane, 266
bass management, 710
bass redirection, 710
beam tracing, 667
beating, 167
Bel, 70
bell curve, 258
BEM, 672
biŠphase correction, 858
biŠphase mark, 855
bi-phase mark, 537
bias, forward, 117
bias, reverse, 117
binary, 35
binary word, 37
binaural beating, 169
biquad, 620
biquadratic filter, 620
bits, 37
Blackman, 602
Blackman-Harris, 602
blind test, 296
blocks, 538
Blumelein microphone technique,
Blumlein, Alan, 731
Bohman, 603
boost, 336
boundary element method, 672
breakdown voltage, 121
bridge, 201
bridge rectifier, 126
BS.1116, 303
Butterworth filter, 144
c, 163
C-weighting, 276
capacitive reactance, 86
capacitor, 82
capstan, 385
Cash, Johnny, 647
cent, 235
centre frequency, 320
channel code, 539
chi-square distribution, 251
chop, 479
CMRR, 141, 494
cochlea, 266
cochlear nerve, 268
cocktail party effect, 835
coefficient, absorption, 188
coercivity, 373
coherence, 254
coincident microphones, 729
colour frame flag, 858
comb filter, FIR, 604
comb filter, IIR, 615
combination tones, 169
combining filters, 326
common mode rejection ratio, 141,
comparator, 131, 530
complex conjugate, 25
complex numbers, 21
compression ratio, 342
compression, acoustic, 158
cone of confusion, 283
cone trace model, 667
consonance, 228
constant equilibrium density, 151
constant Q, 321
continuity tester, 473
continuous time, 502
control path, 358
control voltage , 359
conventional current, 58
convolution, 630
convolution, fast, 632
convolution, real, 631
correlation, 252
correlation coefficient, 252
cosine, 11
covariance, 253
crest factor, 65, 354
critical band, 279
critical bandwidth, 279
critical distance, 246
Crosby, Bing, 855
cross-correlation, 499, 640
cross-correlation function, 483
crosstalk, 497
current, 58
cutoff frequency, 91, 314
CV, 359
damped oscillator, 155
dB, 70
dB FS, 75
dBm, 73
dBspl, 72
dBV, 74
DC, 61
DC bias, 379
DC offset, 498
de-essing, 339
decade, 161, 314
Decca Tree, 736
decibel, 70
decimal, 34, 35
degrees of freedom, 251
denominator, 652
derivative, 45
deviation, 249
device under test, 480, 487
DFT, 582
difference tone, 167
differential amplifier, 138
diffuse field, 174, 240
digit, 34
digital multimeter, 471
digital signal processing, 575
digital waveguide mesh, 672
diode, 117
diode, zener, 121
Dirac impulse, 612
direct current, 61
direct sound, 236
directivity factor, 443
discontinuity, 592
discrete Fourier transform, 582
discrete time, 502
dissonance, 228
Distance Factor, 444
dither, 517
division, 475
DMM, 471
double precision, 555
DRF, 443
drop frame, 851
drop frame flag, 858
DSF, 444
DSP, 575
DUT, 480, 487
duty cycle, 481
dynamic range, 493
e, 31
ear canal, 265
eardrum, 265
effective pressure, 153
EFM, 568
eight to fourteen modulation, 568
EIN, 493
electromotive force, 58
endolymph, 266
enharmonic, 157
equal loudness, 273
equal loudness contour, 274
equal loudness contours, 275
equalizers, 313
equation, 41
equivalent input noise, 493
Euler's formula, 31
Euler's identity, 31
Euler, Leonhard, 31
eustachian tube, 265
evil scientists, 475
experienced, 298
expert, 298
exponent, 5
exponent, floating point, 551
extended precision, 555
Eyring Equation, 242
factorial, 31
Farad, 82
fast convolution, 675
fast Fourier transform, 580
FEM, 672
fenestra ovalis, 266
fenestra rotunda, 268
FFT, 580
filter model, 290
filter, allpass, 625
filter, auditory, 279
filter, Butterworth, 144
filters, 313
finite element method, 672
Fletcher, 274
Fletcher and Munson Curves, 274
flux, magnetic, 372
FM, 546
foley, 837
Fourier transform, 580
Fourier, Jean Baptiste, 580
fraction, floating point, 551
frame, 538
frame rate, 847
free field, 173
frequency, 161
frequency modulation, 546
frequency response, 313, 489
frequency, angular, 162
frequency, negative, 163
frequency, normalized, 577
frequency, radian, 162
friction coefficient, 225
full-wave rectifier, 126
function, 41
function generator, 480
function, psychometric, 293
fundamental, 157
gain, 69, 320, 488
gain bandwidth product, 142
gain before compression, 346
gain linearity, 488
galvanometer, 471
GBP, 142
ground bus, 396
group delay, 490
H, 106
Haas effect, 284
half-power point, 314
half-wave rectifier, 124
half-wavelength resonators, 218
hammer, 265
Hamming, 600
Hanning, 598
harmonic, 157
head block, 385
head-related transfer function, 270
hedonic, 291, 296
Helmholtz resonator, 222
henry, 106
Hertz, 161
hexadecimal, 37
hole-in-the-middle, 734
horizontal position, 479
HRTF, 270
hybrid method, 667
hypotenuse, 2
hysteresis loop, 378
Hz, 161
IACC, 499
IAD, 282
IIR, 615
image model, 667
imaginary numbers, 20
IMD, 498
impedance, 87
impedance, acoustic, 175, 182
impedance, characteristic, 176
impedance, specific acoustic, 176
impulse response, 207, 499
incus, 266
index, 151
inductive reactance, 105
inductor, 104
Infinite Impulse Response, 615
input impedance, 487
input resistance, 140
input voltage range, 141
integer, 19
integer delay, 576, 627
integral, 52
integrator, 530
intensity, 179
interaural amplitude difference, 282
interaural cross-correlation, 499
interaural time difference, 282
interference, constructive, 166
interference, destructive, 166
interlacing, 848
intermodulation distortion, 169, 498
Ipanema, Girl From, 223
IRE, 860
irrational numbers, 19
isophon, 275
ITD, 282
ITU-R BS.775.1., 712
JND, 300
just intonation, 231
Just Noticeable Difference, 300
Just Temperament, 231
King Frederick the Great, 31
knee, 343
knowledge elicitation phase, 307
La Mettrie, 31
Lamberts Law, 192
latch, 530
law of the first wavefront, 284
LFE, 708
limit, 42, 43
linear gain, 342
linear phase, 490
linear phase filter, 333
linear time invariant, 644
Lissajous pattern, 480
log, 6
logarithm, 6
logarithm, natural, 7
loudness, 274
loudness switch, 336
loudspeaker aperture, 712
Low Frequency Effects, 708
low-pass filter, 314
LTC, 855
LTI, 644
magnetic flux, 372
magnetic lines of force, 96
magnetic oxide, 368
malleus, 265
mantissa, floating point, 551
Martin's Law, 835
masking, 278
masking, backwards, 280
masking, forwards, 280
masking, simultaneous, 280
maximum differential input voltage,
maximum length sequence, 482
maximum output, 491
maximum output level, 374
Maximum Supply Voltage, 140
maxwell, 372
mean, 248
mean, geometric, 317
median, 249
median plane, 270
method of adjustment, 302
mid-side, 812
middle ear, 267
minimum phase, 330
mixer, 137
MLS, 482
MOA, 302
modal class, 249
modal density, 245
mode, 202
mode, statistical, 249
modes, 242
modes, axial, 243
modes, oblique, 244
modes, tangential, 244
modulus, 26
MOL, 374
mono compatibility, 730
mono-stereo, 812
MS, 812
multidimensional, 296
multiplicative inverse, 24
Munson, 274
Musical Offering, 32
Musikalisches Opfer, 32
Mx, 372
N, 151
N-type, 112
naive, 298
natural logarithm, 31
near-coincident techniques, 734
Newton, 151
Newton, Sir Issac, 184
node, 203
noise shaping, 535
noise, blue, 171
noise, pink, 171
noise, purple, 172
noise, red, 171
noise, white, 171
nonŠdrop frame, 854
non-combining filters, 326
non-hedonic tests, 297
non-symmetrical filter, 321
normal distribution, 258
Norris-Eyring Equation, 242
notch filter, 319
NTSC, 847
numbers, whole, 19
numerator, 652
nut, 201
Nyquist frequency, 507, 523
octave, 161
Ohm's Law, 59
ohm, acoustic, 183
op amp, 131
open loop voltage gain, 142
operating common-mode range, 141
operating level, 374
operational amplifier, 131
operator, 647
order effects, 311
order, filter, 314
oscilloscope, 475
ossicles, 265
outer ear, 266
output impedance, 487
output resistance, 141
output short-circuit duration, 140
output voltage swing, 141
oval window, 266
overlap-add, 633
overtones, 157
p, 153
P-type, 112
Pa, 69, 151
PAL, 848
panphonic, 824
paragraphic equalizer, 328
parallel, 79
parity bit, 540
Parzen, 603
Pascal, 69, 151
passband, 316
PDF, 517
peak, 351
percentile, 250
perception, 264
perceptual attributes, 291
perilymph, 266
perilymphatic ducts, 266
period, 162
periodic, 165
periphonic, 824
phase distortion, 330
phase linear, 490
phase response, 489
phase, unwrapped, 490
phase, wrapped, 490
phons, 275
physical model, 671
physiological acoustics, 263
pinch roller, 385
pinna, 265
pole, 660
Poniatoff, Alexander M., 855
population, 247
population mean, 248
power, 60
power, acoustic, 178
ppm, 164
preamble, 539
precedence effect, 284
precision rectifier, 364
precision, floating point, 554
pressure, acoustic, 153
pressure, effective, 160
pressure, excess, 153
pressure, instantaneous, 153
pressure, peak, 160
pressure, peak to peak, 160
pressure, stasis, 151
probability density function, rectangular,
probability density functions, 517
probability distribution function,
Gaussian, 517
probability distribution function,
triangular, 258
probability distribution functions,
proximity effect, 437
pseudo-random signal, 485
psychoacoustics, 263
psychometric function, 293
pumping, 349
pure temperament, 231
Pythagorean Comma, 231
Pythagorean Theorem, 2
Q, filter, 318, 499
QDA, 309
quack, duck's, 284
quadratic residue diffuser, 197
quality, filter, 318
Quantitative Descriptive Analysis,
quantization, 504, 548
quantization error, 504
quantization noise, 504
Quantz, Joachim, 31
quartile, 250
quasi-parametric equalizer, 329
radians, 15
Random-Energy Efficiency, 441
Random-Energy Response, 439
range, 249
range, floating point, 554
rank order, 305
rating grid phase, 308
rational number, 19
ray-trace model, 667
ray-tracing, 667
re-recording engineer, 837
reactance, acoustic, 176
real convolution, 675
real numbers, 20
reconstruction filter, 505
recording field, 372
REE, 441
reel, supply, 385
reel, take-up, 385
reference fluxivity, 374
reference level, 374
reflection coefficient, 186
reflection, order, 237
refraction, acoustic, 158
regulator, 128
release time, 356, 357
remanent tape magnetization, 372
Repertory Grid Technique, 307
RER, 439
residual, 249
resistance, acoustic, 176
resistor, 59
resultant tones, 169
retentivity, 373
reverb, 240
reverberation, 240
reverberation time, 241
reversals, 301
reverse breakdown voltage, 121
RGT, 307
Riemann Sum, 50
right angle, 2
right trangle, 2
ringing, 334
RMS, 62, 161, 351
room mode, 242
room radius, 246
root mean square (RMS), 62
rosin, 225
rotation point, 342
round window, 268
RPDF, 256
run, 302
S/N ratio, 493
Sabine Equation, 241
Sabine, Wallace Clement, 241
sample and hold, 502
sample mean, 248
sample, statistical, 248
sampling, 502
scala media, 266
scala tympani, 266
scala vestibuli, 266
scaling, direct, 295
scaling, indirect, 295
Schroeder diffuser, 197
Schroeder frequency, 245
SECAM, 848
semi-parametric filter, 329
semiconductors, 111
series, 77
shelving filter, 320
side chain, 339, 358
sign, floating point, 551
signal generator, 480
signal to noise ratio, 493
Silbermann, 31
simple harmonic motion, 11, 154
sine, 9
single precision, 555
slew rate, 142, 491
slope, 3, 478
slope, filter, 314
slurry, 368
smoothing filter, 505
Snells law, 190
SNR, 493
soft knee, 351
sound pressure level, 153
soundfield, 823
soundfield microphone, 826
source code, 540
speed of sound, 163
Spinal Tap, 69
SPL, 153
standard deviation, 250, 252
standard error, 250
stapes, 266
status bit, 541
stirrup, 266
stop frequency, 327
sub-frame, 538
summing localization, 284
symmetrical filter, 324
sync code, 539
syntonic comma, 232
TAFC, 300
tangent, 43
tau, 84
temperaments, equal, 233
temperaments, just, 231
temperaments, meantone, 233
temperaments, Pythagorean, 229
termination, 200
THD, 495
THD+N, 496
thermal noise, 492
threshold, 342
threshold of hearing, 153, 271
threshold of pain, 271
Time / div., 476
time code, 847
time constant, 66, 355
time constant, RC, 85
tolerance, resistor, 873
toroidal, 109
total harmonic distortion, 495
total harmonic distortion + noise,
TPDF, 258
trace rotation, 476
trained, 298
transfer function, 340, 648
transformer, 109
transition ratio, 327
transmission coefficient, 186
triangular, 603
trigger, 478
true RMS meter, 474
turnover frequency, 327
two-alternative forced choice, 300
tympanic membrane, 265
unassigned bits, 858
undamped oscillator, 155
unterminated, 492
user bit, 541
user flags (2), 858
valence shell, 55
validity bit, 540
variable, dependent, 292
variable, independent, 292
variance, 249
VCA, 359
velocity, instantaneous, 159
Vertical position, 477
VITC, 859
voltage, 58
voltage controlled amplifier, 359
voltage regulator, 128
Voltaire, 31
voltmeter, 471
volume density, 151
Watt's Law, 60
wave number, 165
wave, longitudinal, 157
wave, plane, 176
wave, torsional, 158
wave, transverse, 157
waveguide, 212
wavelength, 165
wavenumber, 165
wavenumber, acoustic, 165
Wb, 372
webers, 372
weighting curve, 276
weighting filter, 276
weighting network, 276
window, Bartlett, 603
window, Blackman, 602
window, Blackman-Harris, 602
window, Bohman, 603
window, Hamming, 600
window, Hanning, 598
window, Parzen, 603
window, rectangular, 596
window, triangular, 603
windowing, 590
windowing function, 593
wolf fifth, 230
X-Y mode, 479
Zen, 620
zero, 655